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"There is so much available to us in the present moments, allowing yourself to tap into the experience of Meditation is truly priceless." â€‹    ~CS

Comprehensive Certified Pilates Instructor & Studio Owner - (20 yrs)
Certified Personal Trainer - (21 yrs)
Reiki Certified Practitioner - (14 yrs)
Meditation Coach - (16 yrs)

Chrissy Sahlas offers meditation classes for all levels from beginner to the experienced. She has over 25 years of experience with meditation, with various types and styles.  Her classes are in a virtual, yet private group setting. These meditation sessions can be individualized for personal private sessions.  "Meditation work can offer so much from stress relief to personal growth. It's such a perfect practice for self care! I feel it's a very personal process and my goal is to help everyone find their best practice, one that suits their needs & goals."  


She also offers a program within the Virtual Classroom titled "The Energy Series". This program includes 3 series, Meditation, Chakra Energy & Astrology. "I teach the Astrology as a tool for personal development, self discovery, healing, & positive personal growth." 


Clients have access the Meditation Corner.  Access includes a wide variety of the Meditations. Also the Energy Series sessions, the Monthly Energy Lineup and more!


After being in the corporate world for over 15 years prior to the fitness industry, Chrissy began her journey to find a balance between "work & home".  Thus she found meditation. Becoming a Meditation Coach came from these experiences while pursuing her personal coursework in psychology, physiology & coaching.  She believes in a methodology of influencing and guiding both your conscious and subconscious mind to bring about transformation.  Inspired by the simplicity of the method she learned, it was instinctual for her to pursue her Integrative Coaching Certification. Fusing together the psychology and energy work, she offers a unique meditation style. She constantly is learning to apply her own work that goes beyond even the traditional "coaching concepts". She feels it is the "missing link" in today's busy world, staying mentally & spiritually "fit" is essential to a happy & healthy lifestyle.


"Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state".


Meditation private individual sessions & small group live stream sessions are available. Sessions run 10 to 45 minutes in length. 

Meditation classes

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